Pomysł, na którym oparty jest "Hotelświat" - czyli opisanie jednego wydarzenia (tragiczna śmierć młodej dziewczyny w hotelowej windzie) przez sześć narratorek pierwszoosobowych, z których każda ma inny styl i punkt widzenia ...
For Poland, hers was an important role because she supported the transformation of her former estate (in Kreisau, now Krzyżowa) into a centre for Polish-German reconciliation and later, European integration. May her memory live on. ...
Even while on vacation he participated in the Konkani singing competitions in 1986 and won the award as the Best Singer for the eight time. A man of few words, he humbly states "I do not consider myself as an actor, but can convincingly do small roles. ...... Sogleam thaim mhojem ekuch magnem gaum-cho ekvott kednach thodun diumnakat, kiteak tujea vaitt boreak tuka poilo pauta to zaun assa tuzo sezari, tum melea uprant tujim soirim hevun fokot dukam goloitat, tum duvent ...